White Tomato Cream Soup

Rating: 3.75 / 5.00 (24 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



For the tomato foam soup, finely puree tomatoes, olive oil, garlic and basil in a blender. Place a kitchen towel on a colander or, even better, hang it over a strainer.

Pour in the puree, tie the cloth and let it drain slowly for at least 3 hours, collecting the juice.

Bring the resulting clear tomato stock to the boil with whipping cream and whip again with a blender.

Preparation Tip:

This tomato soup is lower in calories but no less convincing in taste if you simply omit the cream and serve the clear tomato stock as a cold soup. By the way, the drained juice also forms the basis for fine tomato jelly. Mix 8 sheets of dissolved gelatine with 1 liter of clear tomato juice and finely diced tomato pieces and let everything set.

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