Vegetable Omelet, Mixed Bread – Diabetes

Rating: 2.25 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 1.0 (servings)



Mixed bread, vegetable omelet, tea or mineral water (dinner).

Omelet: cut zucchini and tomatoes into slices, dice peppers and fry in oil with chopped onion, add vegetables and cook briefly until soft, season. At the end mix the egg with grated cheese and add on top, cover and finish cooking.

100g zucchini, 50/50g tomatoes/peppers, 5g oil, 1 egg, 5g emmental cheese, 30g mixed rye bread*.

100g zucchini, 50/50g tomatoes/peppers, 5g oil, 1 egg, 10g Emmental, 60g mixed rye bread*.

150g zucchini, 100/50g tomatoes/peppers, 10g oil, 1 egg, 10g Emmental, 90g mixed rye bread*.

150g zucchini, 100/50g tomatoes/peppers, 10g oil, 1 egg, 10g Emmental, 120g mixed rye bread*.

200g zucchini, 100/50g tomatoes/peppers, 10g oil, 2 egg, 10g Emmental, 120g rye bread*.

Tip: Zucchini is a type of squash and therefore low in calories, rich in vitamins and easy to digest – just the thing for a light meal!

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