Risotto with Crab Tails

Rating: 2.5 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


Preparation time:


1. finely dice the onion. Chop garlic finely. Halve peppers lengthwise, remove seeds and cut diagonally into tender strips.

Heat crab butter in a saucepan. Saute onions, garlic and peppers until translucent. Add risotto rice and steam briefly. Extinguish with white wine and cook completely while stirring. Heat lobster stock, gradually add to long grain rice form and swell open at low to medium heat for 20-25 min.

Season vigorously with salt and cayenne pepper. Just before the end of the cooking time, add the shrimp and heat in the risotto.

Set aside a few chervil stems for garnish. Pluck the remaining chervil from the stems, chop coarsely, and finely grind into chervil oil with the juice of one lemon, olive oil, salt, and pepper in a Moulinette. Arrange the risotto in a baking dish and garnish with chervil. Serve the chervil oil with it.

Tips and tricks How to make risotto This is a round grain rice that becomes creamy on the outside when cooked, but remains firm on the inside. It must not be parboiled long grain rice, because it remains too grainy. The best quality are Fino and Superfino, whose grains are small and evenly ground. Among the top varieties are Arborio, Carnaroli and Vialone Nano.

do not brown, and always extinguish with hot clear soup.

make a cooking test in between. It is better to take it off the heat a little too early, because the grains will continue to cook.

as early as possible to add – garlic

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