Pasta Con Crema Di Asparagi

Rating: 3.25 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Pasta dishes are always a good idea!

Remove the woody ends from the asparagus spears and cut into pieces three to five centimeters long. Separate the asparagus tips.

In a deep frying pan olive oil form, heat on low heat, finely chopped onions and garlic until soft, add asparagus sections. After five minutes, add salt and one or two ladles of hot water.

Simmer gently for thirty minutes, then finely grind.

Briefly roast the asparagus tips with a little oil and a little pasta water.

In the meantime, make the pasta, drain it and mix it hot with the asparagus cream, add the asparagus heads and freshly grated peccorino over it form.

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