Meat Chard Strudel*

Rating: 2.8889 / 5.00 (9 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


For the filling:


Fry onions and garlic until light brown.

Add the meat and fry.

Mix well paprika, eggs, meat, salt and pepper.

Heat 40 g butter, fry flour in it.

Pour in soup, stir until smooth and cook well. Mix the roux exactly with the meat mixture.

Spread out strudel sheet, brush with liquid butter.

Place second strudel sheet on top.

Cover half of the dough evenly with half of the meat mixture.

Add chard on top, likewise over remaining meat.

Tightly roll up dough, closing ends tightly.

Place the strudel on a greased parchment paper or a baking tray, brush with butter and bake in the oven heated to 180 degrees for about 35 minutes until golden brown.

Sauces: cold garlic, chives and parsley sauce. All strudels are placed on the baking tray and baked.

Strudel portioned on the baking tray and placed on the buffet as a “triple strudel”.

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