
Rating: 3.1429 / 5.00 (7 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (Portionen)

For this I need first of all:

Large, heavy pot:

Noble fish:

Decorate With:

Serve With:


A bean recipe for every taste:

The bouillabaisse is no worse off than the bean soup: it is a dish on which everyone can try out their creativity without the heaven of cooking collapsing.

It is nothing more than a fairly simple fish soup with a few pieces of fish floating in it. These pieces of fish have the task to make the soup look precious, besides they make sure that the eaters get full.

Rougets, mackerels, herrings, eels, sardines, anchovies and all river fish are not to be used. Some of them spread bitter or possibly tannic flavors or even have no taste at all. The only purpose of this fish assembly is to add flavor to the soup. In the course of the soup production they are squeezed out and thrown away.

Until that happens, here’s what happens: In a large, heavy saucepan, in 1/2 cup of olive oil, at the same time, all the cheap fish are sautéed, which have been brutally chopped up beforehand, as well as 2 large onions, 1 large carrot, both sliced, 1 sprig of celery, 4 tomatoes cut into quarters, 5 cloves of crushed garlic, and another sprig of thyme here and 1 bay spice there.

The vague information about the type of fish should not worry you. Because once again, my beloved kitchen rule applies here: it doesn’t matter! Of course, a medium-sized rascasse (scorpion fish) is better than 500 grams of anonymous small fish, but the soup in any case will be

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