Fine Gentleman Cake

Maybe your new favorite bean dish: Make a sponge dough, shape into a tart springform pan and bake. When the base has cooled, cut the top third into small pieces, scoop out the remaining base, leaving a rim and a bottom. Crumble the hollowed out dough, grate chocolate and let it melt in the coffee, … Read more

Cold Summer Soup

For the cold summer soup, bring water to a boil, dissolve soup cubes in it. Let the soup cool down. Wash tomatoes and remove seeds. Peel cucumber, dice with tomatoes and add to cold soup. Finely chop chives and dill. Before serving, add to the summer soup with brandy and pepper to taste.

Cold Bean Fry

Boil the beans, soaked overnight, in plenty of salted water until soft, drain well but save some bean broth and set aside. Process beans with a blender or in a food processor to a fine puree. In a saucepan, sauté onions with a little butter until light brown and add a little bean broth. Remove … Read more

Spicy Puff Pastry Flower

For the spicy puff pastry flower, process all ingredients for the filling in a stand mixer, or blitz chopper to a thick cream. Wash the cocktail tomatoes and cut them into slices. Roll out both puff pastry sheets on a work surface and, using a large bowl, or a cardboard disc and a sharp knife, … Read more


For the quesadillas, finely dice the onion and fry in a pan with a little oil until translucent. Add the minced meat and fry well. Do not forget salt and pepper. Peel and dice the avocado and put it in a bowl with the tomatoes, also diced. Sprinkle with lemon juice and season with salt … Read more

Pasta Pockets Stuffed with Meat

1) Knead a firm pasta dough from salt, flour, eggs and about 2 to 3 tbsp. water. Cover and rest. 2) Briefly blanch (scald) the sausage. Chop the meat into small pieces (preferably in a food processor). Blanch the cabbage or spinach leaves and chop finely. 3) Knead together the vegetables, meat, sausage, eggs, Parmesan … Read more

Scallops with Vegetables On

White pepper, f. A.d.M. Cook the peeled garlic cloves in the milk until soft and creamy. Now grind in a hand mixer. Heat half of the butter, sauté finely chopped onion until translucent. Extinguish with Noilly Prat. Pour in the fish stock, reduce by half, stir in the crème fraîche and bring to the boil. … Read more

Sesame Bananas

For several people:Take two pans, in one (Teflon) pan fry the halved bananas, then add the honey, then add a little cognac. In the other dry roast the sesame seeds. (Caution, only lightly brown. Roasted too dark, sesame tastes bitter.) Finally, roll the honey bananas in the sesame seeds and serve.For one person:Heat sesame seeds … Read more