
A bean recipe for every taste: The bouillabaisse is no worse off than the bean soup: it is a dish on which everyone can try out their creativity without the heaven of cooking collapsing. It is nothing more than a fairly simple fish soup with a few pieces of fish floating in it. These pieces … Read more

Coca De Verdura – Vegetable Cake

A simple but delicious cake recipe: Sift the flour into a suitable bowl, make a well in the center. Stir the crumbled yeast, sugar and a little bit of water, pour into the well. Stir a little of the flour underneath with the handle of a spoon, cover with a little flour. Cover with a … Read more

Apple Fritters – Dishes From the Homeland

Peel the apples, core with a corer and cut into finger-thick slices. Sprinkle with sugar and drizzle with cherry brandy. Steep for one hour. Whip the egg whites until stiff. Stir the flour, wine and oil into a smooth batter and finally stir in the snow. Turn the apple slices in the mixture to the … Read more

Caramel Brussels Sprouts

Clean and rinse the Brussels sprouts. Dissolve the butter, add the sugar and caramelize over low heat. Add the Brussels sprouts. Turn a few minutes in the caramel mixture to the other side so that it wraps around the vegetables. Sauté until light brown. Extinguish with the clear soup. Cover and steam until tender, about … Read more

Plum and Curd Casserole

For the plum and curd casserole, separate the eggs and beat the egg whites until stiff, add the baking powder. Mix the curd, margarine, yolks, sugar and semolina. Then fold in the beaten egg whites. Cut the plums in half and fold into the curd mixture. Pour the mixture into a buttered and crumbled baking … Read more

Celery with Butter Gorgonzola Cream

(*) Cooking with butter Rinse the celery well, peel the outside with an asparagus peeler, cut the stalks into 5 cm long pieces and place them on a plate. Cream the butter with the crushed garlic and the juice of one lemon. Finely mash the Gorgonzola cheese with a fork and add it to the … Read more

Asparagus Spears Breaded

A recipe of asparagus for gourmets: Rinse and peel asparagus spears and cook until al dente in salted water to which butter, sugar and milk have been added. Drain and turn to the other side in turn in beaten egg and breadcrumbs. Fry in clarified butter until golden brown. Serve with new potatoes with butter … Read more

Colorful Chickpea Salad

For the colorful chickpea salad, first finely chop the onion and garlic, put them in a bowl with the chickpeas. Cut the bell pepper halves into small pieces and roughly chop the cashews. Add to the chickpeas together with the corn, season with the oil and vinegar and spices and let the chickpea salad sit … Read more

Cherry Blueberry Blackberry Jam

Rinse cherries, blueberries and blackberries with cold water and drain. Remove stems and pits from cherries. Grind the pulp with a hand blender. Lightly mash the blueberries and blackberries with a fork and sprinkle with juice of one lemon. Mix the fruits with the jelling sugar in a large saucepan. Bring to a boil over … Read more

White Tomato Cream Soup

For the tomato foam soup, finely puree tomatoes, olive oil, garlic and basil in a blender. Place a kitchen towel on a colander or, even better, hang it over a strainer. Pour in the puree, tie the cloth and let it drain slowly for at least 3 hours, collecting the juice. Bring the resulting clear … Read more