Marble Braid

Put the flour in a suitable bowl and mix with the salt. Make a bulge in the center. Crumble the yeast and stir with the sugar until liquid. Form into the flour hollow. Let the butter melt. Remove from heat and add the milk. To the flour form. Knead everything from the center for about … Read more

Black Forest Strawberry Tart

Try this delicious cake recipe: For the sponge cake, separate eggs. Whip the egg whites until very stiff. Add sugar, vanilla sugar and salt. Fold in yolks. Sift cornstarch, cocoa, flour and baking powder onto the egg mixture and fold in. Line the bottom of a cake springform pan with parchment paper. Pour the sponge … Read more

Venison Goulash.

1 kg of venison from the leg is cut into larger cubes and well lightly browned on a large grated onion, a tiny bit of salt and 1 pinch of paprika and 12 to 15 dkg of butter. Next, pour strong veal bone broth over it and simmer until almost tender. Pour into jars and … Read more

Blue Cabbage

Finely chop the blue cabbage, sprinkle with vinegar while cutting to keep the color. Mix with caraway seeds, salt and pepper and let stand for about 1 hour. Peel onion and chop finely. Heat fat and fry onion and sugar in it. Add the cabbage, stew with red wine until soft. Add a little water … Read more


For the gingerbread, beat the eggs with cane sugar and vanilla sugar until nice and fluffy. Gradually stir in melted honey and oil. Mix the rye flour with the baking soda and the spices (cinnamon, gingerbread spice) and fold into the fluffy mixture. Knead all ingredients together well and let the gingerbread dough rest overnight, … Read more

Veal Fillet with Walnut Coat on Zucchini

Bread the walnut kernels, season with salt and pepper and roast them leisurely in olive oil in a frying pan. Cut the zucchini into small cubes, saute in aceto balsamic vinegar and red wine and season with a tiny bit of thyme and a clove of garlic. Arrange the meat on a plate around the … Read more

Rhubarb Compote Au Gratin

Prepare rhubarb (ready to cook, e.g. peel, remove woody parts and dirt) and cut into cubes. Mix in a frying pan with the sugar, make quietly on medium fire with the lid closed until the rhubarb is just soft. Cool. Preheat the oven to 250 degrees. Divide compote evenly into buttered ramekin serving dishes, stir … Read more

Roast Pork

For the roast pork, place the meat with the pork rind facing down in a Reindl. Pour the water over it so that the bottom of the pot is covered with about 2 cm of water and put it on the fire for 10 minutes until the pork rind is soft. Score the pork rind … Read more