Neuchâtel Style Cheese Fondue

Grate or grate the two cheeses and mix (Gruyère alone would be too tart, Emmental alone too mild). Rub the caquelon with the cut garlic clove. Add the wine and the juice of one lemon and warm. Then add the cheese and stir. This will give a solid lump at first, until the cheese starts … Read more

Basil Parsley Pesto

For the basil-parsley pesto, grate Parmesan cheese. Wash and coarsely chop the parsley. Pluck basil, wash and drain. Peel and coarsely chop garlic. Finely puree herbs, garlic, olive oil, pine nuts, parmesan, lemon juice, salt and pepper with a blender and then season again.


For the grissini, mix all the ingredients, except the flour and olive oil, with 200 ml of lukewarm water and sugar. Mix the flour with the salt in a mixing bowl, add the cooking water, stir and knead by hand or with the dough hook of a food processor. Add the olive oil drop by … Read more

Pasta Con Crema Di Asparagi

Pasta dishes are always a good idea! Remove the woody ends from the asparagus spears and cut into pieces three to five centimeters long. Separate the asparagus tips. In a deep frying pan olive oil form, heat on low heat, finely chopped onions and garlic until soft, add asparagus sections. After five minutes, add salt … Read more

Custard Soup with Potatoes

Cut the potatoes into small cubes and cook together with the bay leaves in the beef broth until soft. Mix crème fraîche and sour cream with flour and a little boiling soup until smooth and slowly stir into the potato soup in circular motions with a whisk. Continue to simmer until the soup becomes nice … Read more

Curd Strudel with Goat Cream Cheese

Try this delicious cake recipe: For the strudel dough, mix the ingredients together and knead with a food processor until a smooth dough is formed. Please make sure that the dough does not get too warm and therefore use cold water. Cover the dough and let it rest in the refrigerator for one night. For … Read more

Sweet Couscous

For the sweet couscous, first prepare the couscous according to the package instructions. Cut the butter into small pieces and mix into the couscous with the fine sugar. Loosen the semolina with a fork and crush any lumps. Pile the couscous into a cone on a round flat plate and dust the top with powdered … Read more

Cauliflower Casserole

For the cauliflower casserole, bring salted water to a boil. Wash cauliflower, remove outer leaves and cook in boiling water for 20 minutes. Drain on a colander, then split into roses. Puree half of the cauliflower roses with a blender, mix with the eggs and milk, season with salt, pepper and nutmeg seasoning. Dice the … Read more

Tuna Baguettes

For the tuna baguettes, first preheat the oven to 200 degrees and line the baking sheet with paper. Strain the corn from the can and put it in a mixing bowl. Strain the tuna from the can (it should not leave any water) and add it to the corn. Add the grated cheese and mix … Read more

Peach Liqueur

Pit the peaches. Fruits and spices in a preparation vessel form, pour the alcohol. The fruit must be covered with the liquid. Close the jar airtight. Place in a warm place and infuse for 2 to 3 weeks. Drain and filter. Make a sugar solution of 200 g sugar and 250 ml water, cool and … Read more