Pancake Salmon Roulade

Try this delicious cake recipe: Stir eggs, flour, milk, season with salt. Allow to swell for approx. 30 min. Heat butter in batches in a frying pan and bake four pancakes one after the other. Take out. Whip the cream until stiff and fold into the cream cheese with horseradish, season with salt and season … Read more

Salad with Parma Ham

For the salad with Parma ham, wash the lettuce and pluck into small pieces. Fry the pine nuts in a pan without(!) oil until they take on a light brown color. Pour the Parma ham over the lettuce and sprinkle the pine nuts on top as well. For the dressing, mix the oil, vinegar and … Read more

Spicy Pumpkinism

(*) Glasses a 20 ml. Remove the skin from the pumpkin, cut out the seeds and fibers. Finely dice the flesh and cook on the stove for 20-30 minutes until soft, barely covered with tap water. Let cool, then weigh out l kg. Combine puree with orange juice, preserving sugar, ginger and grated peel and … Read more

Carbonara with Creme Fraiche

First cook the pasta. Cut the ham into small cubes and fry in a pan with a little olive oil. Then add crème fraîche and the cooking cream. Squeeze the garlic, add it with plenty of oregano and season with salt and pepper. Let the sauce cook for a few minutes, mix with the pasta … Read more

Cherry Cake with Icing

A great cake recipe for any occasion: Rinse cherries, drain and remove stones. Cream together shortening, sugar and lemon zest. Fold in eggs a little at a time. Mix flour and baking powder and stir into egg mixture. Grease baking tray and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Spread the batter evenly on it, then spread the cherries … Read more

Bruschetta with Zucchini and Pecorino

Rinse the zucchini, cut the ends into small pieces. Cut the zucchini into thin slices at the beginning, then into very fine cubes, thinly grate the lime peel, squeeze the lime. Finely grate pecorino on a household grater. Pluck basil leaves from stems. Set aside 12 large leaves. Chop the remaining leaves. Halve unpeeled garlic. … Read more

Greek Farmer Salad

Peel the garlic clove and rub it thoroughly into a salad bowl. Cut the peppers in half, remove the stem, ribs and seeds. Rinse the pepper halves, pat dry and cut into strips on a board. Remove the skin from the onion, cut into rings. Rinse, dab and dice the cucumber. Rinse the tomatoes, cut … Read more

Veal Liver Mousse with Pear and Shallot Chutney

Have fun preparing this mushroom dish! 1. clean the calf’s liver and cut into cubes. Peel and finely dice the onion. Chop the dried man mushrooms, then grind them finely in a mortar. Pluck the thyme and chop finely. Soak the gelatine until it has cooled down. Heat the butter in a frying pan. Roast … Read more