Tofu Loaf with Long Grain Rice, Root Cream and Spiced Pears

Rating: 3.6 / 5.00 (5 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)

Tofu loaf:

Béchamel sauce:

Root cream sauce:

Spiced pears:



Tofu patties:

Mince the squeezed tofu or press it through a coarse sieve. Add garlic, parsley and leek and season with salt. For the béchamel sauce, dry roast the whole wheat flour. Add milk, bring to a boil and stir until smooth. Season with salt and cayenne pepper. Knead the tofu well with the bechamel sauce. form everything together into a roll, divide into eight portions and shape into one and a half inch thick loaves. (If this does not work with the roll, roll the quantity in flour like potato pancakes and roast). Turn the loaves in flour to the other side and roast on both sides for about five min.

Root cream sauce:

Cut leeks, carrots and celery into leaves and sauté in butter. Paprika a little, dust with flour and pour in vegetable stock. Season with garlic, salt and pepper. Make about 15 min and then mix with fresh cream (crush).

Spiced pears:

Cut the pears in half and remove the seeds. Cut into narrow wedges and sauté in butter. Add pear syrup and apple cider vinegar. Season with ginger and cloves, reduce briefly and flambé with pear brandy.


Pour the root cream sauce onto plates, arrange two tofu patties on each and bring to the table with brown rice and spiced pears. Garnish with carrot strips and garden cress.

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